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How do I create a group based on an HTML content match (e.g. capture tags)?

Modified on: Tue, 18 Jan, 2022 at 3:00 PM

Note: Only Administrators, Account Owners, or a custom role with the "manage groups" permission can create/edit groups.

Groups help you to manage your content within the Siteimprove platform. Groups can be created in the Content suite (QA, SEO, Accessibility) and/or Analytics. For more information on types of groups see "What is a group?".

Groups can often be created using a simple match based on page titles or URLs. See "How do I create a group based on a URL/title match".

If your website URL/titles are not suitable for a simple group match, you can use an HTML match as described in this article.

Here are some examples of HTML page content that can be used to define groups:

To configure groups based on an HTML match, you do need the help of Siteimprove technical support. However, this article explains the options available, steps you can take to prepare, and how the groups are created.

Groups based on a breadcrumb navigation path

To do this, you will need a consistent breadcrumb navigation path on your website.
Contact Siteimprove technical support to create groups in both the Content suite (QA, SEO, Accessibility) and Analytics based on your breadcrumb navigation path.

The support team will use the breadcrumb CSS selector and HTML tags to capture the breadcrumb information on each page. Afterward, you can create the group as described below.

Adding a Content group based on your breadcrumb path

  1. With the site selected, go to "Settings > Groups from the main menu.
  2. Click on "Create Group".
  3. Give the group a name.
  4. Select the service “Content Only”.
  5. Click on "Add group match" under the Matches section.
  6. Choose to include the match type “Capture tag”.
  7. Under match conditions, select “breadcrumbs”.
  8. Enter text which matches the breadcrumb navigation path for the pages you want to group together. (e.g., if a breadcrumb path is: Home > Press > Press Releases, the match ‘press’ would create a group containing pages in the press area of your website.)
  9. Click on “Save Changes” and the group is ready for use in the content modules (i.e. QA, Accessibility, SEO).
    See “How do I edit user access to Sites and Groups in Siteimprove?” regarding group access for users.

Adding an Analytics group based on your breadcrumb path

  1. With the site selected, go to Settings > Groups from the main menu.
  2. Click on "Create Group".
  3. Give the group a name.
  4. Select the service “Analytics Only”.
  5. Click on "Add group match" under the Matches section.
  6. Choose to include the Match type, “Capture tag”.
  7. Under Match conditions, enter text matching the breadcrumb navigation path for the pages you want to group together.
  8. Click on “Save Changes” and your group is ready for use in the Analytics service. See “How do I edit user access to Sites and Groups in Siteimprove?” regarding group access for users.

Groups based on an HTML meta tag (e.g. author, department, group)

For this explanation, we will use an “author” meta tag. Other meta tags can also be used in a similar way. You can even add a “group” meta tag to help manage your content within the platform.

If your page contains the author's name within an HTML meta tag, Siteimprove allows you to create groups based on these tags.

The “author” HTML meta tag looks like this:

<meta name="author" content="Joe Bloggs">

Once the author meta tag is present, inform Siteimprove technical support that you would like groups in both the Content suite (QA, SEO, Accessibility) and Analytics based on the tag. Please provide the support team an example of a page containing the meta tag.

Note: When configured by support, these groups will be created automatically in Analytics. They can be created automatically in the Content suite, but here you also have the option to create them manually.
If the value in the meta tag is an email address of a user in the Siteimprove platform, then the groups can be assigned to these users automatically.
Please discuss these options with the support agent handling your request.

Creating a Content group based on author tag if not added automatically.

  1. With the site selected, go to Settings > Groups from the main menu.
  2. Click on "Create Group".
  3. Give the group a name.
  4. Select the service “Content Only”.
  5. Click on "Add group match"
  6. Choose to include the Match type “Meta tag”.
  7. Under match conditions, select author.
  8. Enter the name of the author as it appears in the meta tag.
  9. Click on “Save Changes” and your group is ready for use in the Content suite. See “How do I edit user access to Sites and Groups in Siteimprove?” regarding group access for users.

Creating an Analytics group based on an author meta tag.

When configured by support, these groups are created automatically in Analytics. The name of the group will be the name of the author as seen in the meta tag.

If you have any questions regarding groups, please submit a request to the Siteimprove support team and we will be happy to help.

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