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Subscription Overview

Modified on: Tue, 4 Feb, 2025 at 11:07 PM

Where do I find the Subscription overview?

You will find the subscription overview in Settings > Subscription.

What do I use the subscription overview for?

The subscription overview aims to answer the following questions for you:

  • What is the current term of my subscription?
  • When is the end date or renewal date of my subscription?
  • What is the billing frequency for my subscription?
  • Which products do I have included in my subscription?
  • What are the usage limits for my products?
  • How many of the limits have I used? / How close am I to the limits?
  • Which sites are the limits applied to?
  • How should I plan my budget for future use of Siteimprove?

Who has access to the subscription overview?

The feature is by default live for the users designated as “Account Owner” and “Administrator”.

If other roles should have access to the feature on your account, you can configure a custom role with access for the Subscription overview via Settings > Users > Roles.

Details about the information in the Subscription overview

Purchased products within the subscription

In the top bar of your subscription you can see the number of products that have been purchased, as well as the term dates and the billing frequency.

Subscription Overview products and dates

You can see a more detailed view of all the products within your subscription by clicking the info button next to the number of products.

Product view for the chosen solution

Note that if you are using a product as a short term trial (unpaid), it will not show up in the purchased products section.

Subscription dates

The term start date is the date of the start of your latest term within your current subscription.

Your subscription will either renew automatically, or end, based on your contract. If the contract auto-renews you will see the end date showing up as “renews on”. If it is not an auto-renewal contract, it shows as “ends on”.

Limit widgets

As part of your Siteimprove subscription you have purchased Siteimprove products along with a usage limit. Per February 2024 there are 12 limits applicable in the Siteimprove platform that will be shown depending on which products or package you purchased.

LimitProduct using the limit
Pages storedQuality Assurance, Accessibility, Policy, SEO, Data Privacy
PDFs checkedQuality Assurance, Accessibility, Policy, SEO, Data Privacy
AI Remediate suggestionsAccessibility
SEO keywordsSEO Professional, SEO Enterprise
AI Generate suggestionsSEO Professional, SEO Enterprise, SEO Advanced; on eligible accounts
Performance creditsPerformance
Page viewsContent Analytics, Marketing Analytics
Feedback surveysContent Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Usability
Key performance indicatorsContent Analytics, Marketing Analytics
Key metricsContent Analytics, Marketing Analytics
FunnelsContent Analytics, Marketing Analytics
Behavior mapsContent Analytics, Marketing Analytics, Usability

Each of the limit widgets contains a details button that leads to the respective limits details side panel. The side panel contains the limit and usage across the account, as well as information about the usage per site. The exceptions to this behavior are seen in the side panels for Feedback surveys and Performance credits.

  • Feedback surveys are not set per site, but rather function on the configured domains/pages and therefore can’t be viewed per site, only for the full account.
  • Performance Credits are not set per site but are based on profiles which can include single URLs (pages) and the configured parameters for these URLs.

The side panels are expected to be enhanced with usage history data as well as an export functionality within Q2 2024.

Pages stored

The analysis done within the content products (Quality Assurance, Accessibility, SEO, Policy and Data Privacy) depend on content found on your pages. Pages are found by the Siteimprove crawler during a scan – more information about how the crawler finds pages on your site and how to change the site content settings can be found in this article. The pages the crawler finds are then stored on the Siteimprove database for further processing and analysis by the different Siteimprove products.

The pages stored on your sites sum up to the count of total pages on your account.

A site’s page count will update after each scan that happens on the site. When a scan is done, it will discard the pages found in the previous scan and update the site with the current page count.

Stored pages will be stored on the site until the site is either deleted or until they are replaced by pages found in subsequent crawls. If a site has found pages in a crawl and the site is then set to not crawl anymore, the stored pages found previously will remain stored in the site, and count towards the accounts pagecount limit.

The page distribution only contains sites with at least 1 stored page. Sites that have never had a successful scan happen with at least 1 page found are not shown in the page distribution of the pages stored limit.

PDFs checked

The Siteimprove crawler “sees” the PDFs on your site as links. These links are categorized based on the file type ('application/pdf’) which you can see in the Inventory section of the Quality Assurance product. These PDFs are then further categorized into either internal or external PDFs based on the site content settings of your site.

For Siteimprove to check your PDFs they have to be:

Additionally, PDFs have to match the following criteria:

  • PDFs must be below 20MB in file size
  • PDFs must be linked via an HTML page (we do not scan PDFs that are linked to from other PDFs)
  • PDF must be within the maximum document limit of the site

In the details for the PDFs checked you can see two metrics

  • the number of internal PDFs the crawler sees on your website
  • the number of internal PDFs that match the criteria to be checked- these PDFs are then checked for broken links and accessibility issues and count towards the limit

PDFs are re-checked within each scan. Relevant to the usage is not the number of times a PDF has been (re-)checked, but the number of PDFs that are checked.
Example: A PDF that is checked 3 times counts as 1 towards the limit, not 3.

Read more in this article on why Siteimprove might not be checking some of your PDFs.

AI Remediate code suggestions

AI Remediate code suggestions can be used in the Accessibility product. A request in Accessibility to receive a suggestion counts towards the usage of your suggestions.

SEO keywords

For our SEO Professional and SEO Enterprise products you will receive a limit on keywords that you can monitor. You can decide to add and remove keywords within your limit.

Please note that customers using SEO Advanced are expected to be migrated towards our SEO Enterprise product and then also using the SEO keywords limit. SEO Advanced uses SEO Credits as a limit. Due to the expected approaching migration we decided to not create a SEO Credits widget within the subscription overview. SEO credits usage and limit can be found in SEO Advanced > SEO Settings > Credits Overview.

AI Generate content suggestions

AI Generate content suggestions can be used in the SEO product (SEO Advanced/Professional/Enterprise). A request in SEO to receive a content suggestion counts towards the usage of your suggestions.

Performance credits

Performance credits are used in the Performance product and are depending on the number of monitored pages and the number of used parameters for these pages.

Yearly page views

A page view is a count of how many times a page has been viewed on a website within the chosen period of time. The yearly limit is counted from the term start date of your Analytics subscription.

Within your subscription of Content Analytics or Marketing Analytics you purchased a limit that you are allowed to reach across the account per year. The usage data in the page views widget sums up all your site’s traffic, updates once per day and starts counting from your Analytics term start date.

Feedback surveys

Feedback surveys allow you to ask visitors for their thoughts about your website.

The feedback surveys limit counts all active feedback surveys on your site. You can decide which of your feedback surveys should be activated or deactivated.

Key performance indicators

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are groups of key metrics that reflect your website strategy. They are great for reporting to management on performance and ROI (return on investment) of your website.

The KPI limit determines the number of KPIs you can use per site – for each analytics site on your account. The usage reflects the number of sites that you have reached the KPI limit for.

Key metrics

Key metrics are used to track and optimize the most important actions that you want your users to perform on your website.

The key metrics limit determines the number of key metrics you can use per site – for each analytics site on your account. The usage reflects the number of sites that you have reached the key metrics limit for.


The Funnels feature within Analytics allows you track and analyze steps and conversions on your website.

The funnels limit determines the number of funnels you can use per site – for each analytics site on your account. The usage reflects the number of sites that you have reached the funnels limit for.

Behavior Maps

Maps detailing your visitors' interactions with your pages.

The behavior maps widget shows the total number of behavior maps available to you within your account. Clicking the details button for this widget you will find the usage of behavior maps across all your sites on your account.

Usage history

Usage history in the subscription overview allows you to better understand usage over time, which can help to plan a budget for future use of Siteimprove.
The usage history graphs can be adjusted for different periods and timeframes.
There are 2 types of limits:

  1. Limits that count the stored or actively used items within Siteimprove. 
  2. Limits for consumption within the current period of the subscription.

Limits that count the stored or actively used items within Siteimprove (type 1)

That’s the case for Pages, PDFs, SEO Keywords, Performance Credits, Behavior Maps, and Feedback Surveys. In the graph, we show the count of the limit which can increase and decrease depending on how many pages, performance credits, etc. are used.

Example of usage history for pages stored over time

The graph tracks changes with each completion of a crawl across the account. For graphs showing 3 years and longer, the usage data is summarized into monthly data points for easier-to-read graphs.

The history graph can show the individual data points by selecting the enhanced contrast via the cog wheel. 

Limits for consumption within the current period of the subscription 

Limits for consumption within the current period of the subscription, which is generally one year from the period start date. Limits acting this way are Analytics page views, AI Generate suggestions, AI Remediate suggestions.

  1. The current period and the previous period to get a better understanding of current usage
  2. A historical period view to understand usage for customers that have used those limits for more than 2 years and want to better understand the usage in each of the past years.

Example of usage history for page views in Analytics for the current period

Data for Analytics page views has been backfilled to mid-February 2023 in the subscription overview, hence why in this case the first 2 months of the last period (January and February 2023) are mostly flat.

Example of usage history for page views in Analytics for historic periods

In this example there is only one historic period (last period). In February 2025 we’ll be in the next period and the graph will show 3 bars instead of 2.

Data backfilling of usage data for existing customers

As of May 2024, all limits except for key performance indicators, key metrics, and funnels, are tracked and storing historical usage. For some of the limits, Siteimprove was able to backfill historic limit data that had been stored but was not displayed so far.

The below table provides an overview of the limits that track usage history historically, and the date until which the limit data has been backfilled for existing customers.


Tracks usage history

Start date of historically backfilled data (for existing customers)

Pages stored


January 2019

PDFs checked


January 2024 (checked PDFs)
February 2024 (seen internal PDFs)

AI Remediate code suggestions


February 2024

SEO keywords


February 2024

AI Generate content suggestions


February 2024

Performance credits


May 2024

Page views


February 2023

Feedback surveys 


February 2024

Key performance indicators


No historical tracking of usage

Key metrics


No historical tracking of usage



No historical tracking of usage

Behavior maps


February 2024

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