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May 29th, 2024 - Release Note: Q2 Launch

Modified on: Tue, 2 Jul, 2024 at 10:11 AM

This release note gives a high-level overview of all the updates released as part of the Q2 2024 launch on May 29th. 

Our vision for the Q2 2024 launch is to enable you to break through the noise created by data overload and move to a world where data is more actionable with summarized, easy-to-understand insights that can be shared and valued in all levels of your organization. This new release will enable you to:

  1. Pinpoint what content truly contributes to your visitors, either by successfully converting them or by noting when they are dropping off
  2. Get better at proving the impact of your work, for your users and for the business

For information on each feature, explore the links provided in each of the following sections.  

Content in this release note

Improvements in the Q2 2024 launch

Read more about the featured highlights and updated parts of the platform in each of the following sections.

Marketing Performance

  • Update: Social Ads (Facebook + LinkedIn)
    • Facebook and LinkedIn Ads have been integrated into our solution. This introduces a suite of features designed to streamline and optimize social media advertising campaigns.
    • This update will be available by July 15th, 2024.


  • New feature: No-code event tracking 
    • This feature enables you to easily set up event tracking directly in the Siteimprove platform.

    • The tool will guide you through the steps of identifying and configuring events that need to be tracked without you having to understand or apply code.

  • New feature: Visitor Engagement Score

    • We built a method to sum up all visitor interactions during their visit into one score - in many ways like a DCI score for analytics.

    • This score is based on several different types of user interactions.

  • New feature: Top Paths

    • By analyzing your funnels, Top Paths helps you identify which journey leads to the highest conversion. It helps you determine how to improve your funnel or what to invest more resources in.

    • This feature gives you an easy, digestible overview of the most effective conversion paths and draws your attention to ones with the highest potential.


  • New feature: Site Progress
    • We're introducing a new progress view, which will include a new time variable via our period picker.
    • The view will show a graph with the progress for each selected Site or Tag over the given period.
    • This allows you to have the granularity of either specific sites or sites grouped by selected tags.

Integration updates

  • Update: Modernization of the PowerBI and Tableau Business Intelligence Connectors
    • We are updating our integrations so that BI connectors for PowerBI and Tableau update with all of the newest and relevant data from our Siteimprove Platform.
  • New integration: Optimizely multi-channel Content Management Platform integration
    • With this integration you can initiate a content check, automatically scan the content, and present the results in real-time.
    • You get immediate visibility into potential issues or optimizations before content goes live, facilitating a smoother content creation and management process.
    • This update will be available by June 27th, 2024.
  • New integration: Sitecore XMCloud Content Management System Support
    • The Siteimprove content optimization plugin is now available for Sitecore Cloud.
    • Sitecore users can click a Siteimprove icon and check their content before it gets published.

General platform updates

  • Update: Crawler: Update of the Javascript crawling
    • We are making sure that all customers get migrated to crawler-evaluated JavaScripts.
    • This is being communicated individually to the applicable clients.
  • Update: Quality Assurance 'Shadow DOM’ support
    • We're adding a Shadow Document Object Mode, Shadow DOM, into our QA product.
    • Depending on the amount of Shadow DOM used in the development of your website, this may change your DCI score (more information below and in our Shadow DOM Support article).
  • Update: User Interface (UI) update (Q2 2024 version)
    • Alignment of colors and fonts across the platform.
    • New menu bars.
    • This update will be rolled out gradually over the coming months.

Deep-dive into the updates

Marketing Performance
Social Media Expansion 

Why expand?

To offer a tool that streamlines a variety of insights, now including LinkedIn and Facebook, gained from tracking and analyzing performance metrics. This helps when you are trying to understand customer behavior, assessing campaign effectiveness, and justifying marketing expenditures.

Where can you find the expansion?
Facebook and LinkedIn Ads can be found in your Ads module as long as you have the Marketing Performance solution.
This update is available by the end of July 15th, 2024.


No-code event tracking

Why make the 'No-code event tracking'?

To make it easier for those using the Analytics module in the Siteimprove platform to set up event tracking by themselves. This will lead to a better understanding of the data, time saved, and overall improvement of the data set itself.

Where can you find the feature?

The feature is available within our Content Experience and Marketing Performance solutions. To locate it:

  1. From the Main menu, go to your Analytics section
  2. Click on Event tracking and select Events
  3. Select the blue Add event button

screenshot of the add event tracking module in the platform

Additional information

Visitor Engagement Score

Why use the Visitor Engagement Score?

This feature makes it easier for users to report on the work that they do. It produces an aggregated metric that easily and intuitively ties website content and traffic to a value, showing how engaged users are.

Where can you find the score?

The feature is available within the Content Experience and Marketing Performance solution.

  1. Go to the Main menu and select your Analytics section
  2. Click on your Visitor Engagement Score

screenshot of the visitor engagement score in the platform

Additional information

Top Paths

Why make Top Paths?

Users of "Funnels" now have a more intuitive way to accurately assess how their content performs. Now, in addition to existing metrics such as page views and bounce rates, you will have access to the data available to know what content pieces were part of the conversion journey.

Where can you find the score?

The feature is available within the Marketing Performance solution.

  1. From the Main menu, go to your Marketing Analytics section
  2. Unfold Behaviour and click on Funnels
  3. Select a funnel in the overview, which will open the Funnel analysis section
  4. Select Top paths from the row of tabs that appear to see your top conversion paths

screenshot of the top path pane where an example of the most effective funnel is showed

Additional information


Site Progress Overview

Why make the Site Progress Overview feature?

This provides Account Owners with a holistic overview of the entire portfolio of sites in a Siteimprove account. It makes it easier to understand how different departments are performing and whether or not they are making meaningful progress with the resources allocated.

Where can you find the score?

The feature is available within the Inclusivity solution.

  1. Go to your Main menu and navigate to the Digital Certainty Index section
  2. Select My sites. The site progress overview is shown here across all of your sites

screenshot of the sites progress trends in the site progress module

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Integration updates

Modernization of the PowerBI and Tableau Business Intelligence Connectors

Why modernize?

To keep up with the latest updates from PowerBI and Tableau and provide our users with updated integration opportunities. 

Where can you find the integrations?

Integrations are available for all customers.

  1. Go to your Main menu and select the Settings option
  2. Unfold Integrations and click the Integrations overview
  3. Scroll to find PowerBI and Tableau, or you can either search for them or use the filter options in the left integrations navigation

screenshot of the PowerBI integration in the platform

Additional information

Optimizely Content Management Platform integration

Why modernize? 

Optimizely users have asked for more assistance and quality gates to be added before they publish content. Customers using Optimizely's Content Management Platform will now be able to run prepublish checks when creating content. These could be for things such as SEO insights when writing blog post or policy or quality and accessibility checks when writing content for social media.

Where can you find the integration?

The update will be available by the end of June 2024 and the integration is available for all customers.

  1. Go to your Main menu and click on Settings
  2. Unfold Integrations and choose the Integrations overview option
  3. Scroll until you find Optimizely, or you can use the search or filter options in the left integrations navigation menu

screenshot of the optimizely integration in the platform

Additional information

Sitecore XMCloud integration 

Why add this Sitecore XMCloud integration? 

This integration makes sure that Sitecore users can use the same Siteimprove content optimization opportunities, regardless of whether they use the on-premise Sitecore solution or the XMCloud solution.

Where can you find the integration?

The update will be available by the end of June 2024 and the integration is available for all customers.

  1. Go to your Main menu, then go to Settings
  2. Unfold the Integrations option and click on the Integrations overview
  3. Scroll until you find Sitecore. You can also use the search or filter options located in the left integrations navigation

screenshot of the sitecore integration in the platform

Additional information

General platform updates

Javascript crawling

Why update the crawler?

Crawl results can be wrong or incomplete when Javascript executions are not included in your crawls. The results in your QA, Accessibility, Policy and SEO products are optimized with JS crawling.

Where can you find the update?

Updating the crawler happens according to a migration plan communicated to the affected customers.

Additional information

Quality Assurance 'Shadow DOM' support

Why update Quality Assurance with this support?

An increasing number of websites use Shadow Document Object Model, Shadow DOM, to render content for pages. Initially, we implemented Shadow DOM support for the Accessibility module so pages using Shadow DOM can now be checked by our Accessibility product and the page report can highlight the issues. We're now rolling this support out for our Quality Assurance module.

Where can you find the Shadom DOM support?

This update is done on the crawl data. If your website uses Shadow DOM, you may see your Quality Assurance page reports render more correctly. Siteimprove may find more pages on your site if your website uses internal links in Shadow DOM elements.

This update could have an impact on your DCI score. When this is enabled for your account, an annotation on the DCI score graphs will appear to confirm the change happened. 

For more information, you can also see our Shadow DOM Support article, which was included as part of the release of this feature for our Accessibility module. 

User Interface (UI) update (Q2 2024 phase)

Why update the UI? 
The standards for design and user experience change over time. To match current user experience trends and expectations in the market, we have made updates to the Siteimprove platform for a fresh and intuitive user experience.

Where can you find the improved UI?

  • Color alignment can be seen across the platform
  • Typography alignment can be seen across the platform
  • New navigation bars are still being rolled out (see our Q1 Release Note, which opens in a new tab)

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